[CSES] Introduction

4 minute read


Above all, before introducing what it is, I have a word for it. This is the first seed sowed on my garden. And like any farmers, observasing its growth and flourish is my delight. In addition, I one hundred percent belive that these plants not only bear fruit for me but also bring huge benefits to you.

The CSES Problem Set is a collection of algorithmic programming problems. The goal of the project is to create a comprehensive high quality problem set for learning algorithmic programming. The current collection has 300 problems, and new problems will be gradually added.

After finishing Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions, CSES is final exam for evaluating my algorithmic learning. And I made this series to keep track of the process as well as facilitate future reference. CSES set includes 11 categories and over 300 problems at this point of writing. It's long way to the top, but the view is worth it xD.

Table of Contents

Introductory Problems

Sorting and Searching

Dynamic Programming

Graph Algorithms

Range Queries

Tree Algorithms


String Algorithms


Advanced Techniques

Additional Problems

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